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Wednesday, 02 March 2022 01:05

Livelihood Planning and Guidance for Youth Project in Amman, Mafraq, Irbid, and Zarqa Governorates in Jordan (World Vision)

Within the framework of the World Vision Jordan (WVJ) Programme and as per its newly started project "Livelihoods Planning and Guidance for Youth in Jordan" which aims to contribute to the enhancement of employability of Syrian and Jordanian youth, WVJ commissioned this baseline study at four geographical areas in Jordan to provide vital information for the planning and programming for future similar interventions. Therefore, the baseline study initiated to provide the present status of outcome level indicators of the project to fine tune the set targets at the project level, where appropriate, based on baseline study results and recommendations, as well as set appropriate targets in the existing geographical areas and monitor the progress of the assistance given to the target youth more precisely.


WVJ conducted the baseline study through the consultancy firm ‘Sustainable Research and Development Center’ (SRD). Data collection started on 1 December 2019 and ended on 15 January 2020.

A total of five indicators were measured by the baseline study through both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. In total, 231 youth were interviewed, and nine focus group discussions (FGD) and 13 key informant interviews (KIIs) with different stakeholders, including representatives from INGOs, governmental officials, and WV staff, were conducted. Four enumerator teams were trained to collect data appropriately to accomplish the baseline survey, and efforts were made to ensure data quality. Structured questionnaires were used for individual interview, FGDs, and KIIs.

Key Findings

In order to measure the capacity in livelihood planning and decision-making amongst youth, the baseline study revealed that only 19.5% of the targeted youth have the necessary skills and knowledge needed to enter the labor market with 60% of them being Syrians. The study indicated that 91 (39%) of the respondents have clear goal orientation, with almost equal percentages for both Syrians (51.5%) and Jordanians (48.5%).

To determine the youth ability to make informed career decisions, the baseline study indicated that only 57 (24.7%) young people had access to career counselling services prior to the project (56% Syrians and 44% Jordanians), while only 17 (7%) were aware of available jobs and training opportunities in their area. As for the skill set needed to enter working life, 72 (31.1%) youth respondents reported that they possess the necessary skills to enter working life, with no significant differences between Syrian and Jordanian youth. In regards to the geographical areas, the findings showed that the highest levels for most of these indicators are in Amman followed by Irbid.

Key Conclusions and Recommendations

It has been concluded that the lack of work experience is the most significant factor for youth unemployability. The main obstacle that prevented youth from getting a job is the lack of professional experience. Therefore, it is recommended that instead of focusing on creating permanent jobs for youth or livelihood opportunities, the best support that can be provided to the recently graduated youth is to link them to institutions relevant to their qualifications to get experience in their profession. This is because most youth recognize that employers are looking for young people who have experience as a top requirement regardless if they are hard-workers, have good qualifications, and possess a soft skill set. On the other hand, the lack of work experience has another negative effect on youth as they do not have the confidence to start their own businesses without this experience.

Based on the analysis of the data collected through the key informant interviews, mostly the labor offices in the governorates, and given the scarce job opportunities in the more traditional sectors, training service providers, especially vocational training centers, need to adapt and include new specializations to create new employment opportunities and business. Therefore, it is recommended 

to establish a cooperation between the development organizations and the governmental bodies, such as the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and the Vocational Training Center to improve sustainable employment opportunities for both Syrian and Jordanian youth.

Finally , these conclusive findings support the project activities to create best fit livelihood opportunities as well as fine-tuning future interventions by shifting from the focus on providing business and soft skills such as work ethics, team work, leadership, communication, negotiation, decision making, and problem solving skills to incorporating tailored new technical skills such as hybrid car maintenance, mobile application development, and renewable energy related businesses and occupations. These emerging sectors have been identified as the skill gap between demand and supply in Jordan’s labor market. Other recommendations as per the project components can be found in the last section of the report.

Read 1704 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 March 2022 01:08

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