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Labor Market

Labor Market Assessment

SRD Center assesses existing skills and opportunities in the labor market to help organizations tailor trainings and other livelihoods interventions. Special consideration is given to special needs for supporting women and men from urban and rural settings particularly young women, returning migrant workers, young workers in rural economies, refugees, persons with disabilities, and other groups with special needs.

SRD Center conducts labor market assessments for livelihoods protection and youth employment programs in response to poverty and unemployment in refugees and other vulnerable communities. Our labor market assessment approach focuses on:

  • Major changes in employment demand in target populations
  • Skills development / Vocational Training to align it with changing labour market demands.
  • Enterprise resilience and development: analyze effects of conflicts and COVID-19 economic consequences on business environment - both for the existing Enterprises as well as for new business start-ups, assess the new opportunities, challenges and identify solutions to support young entrepreneurs for starting their enterprising activities.
  • Employments through Employment-Intensive approaches: analyze the most vulnerable groups and identify avenues to start ‘employment-intensive approaches’ in different economic sectors including agriculture, construction, sanitary infrastructure, community service, health/education service, care-economy, livelihoods, and others - for offering short-to medium term employments to the vulnerable groups.

Some of the LMA activities include: 


Contact us

Queen Rania Street
36, Amman 11941, Jordan
M: +962 782768400
Email: srd@srd.edu.jo

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