Jordan has faced repercussions from global events marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine crisis. The Syrian crisis had already placed tremendous pressure on social infrastructure, natural resources and employment. Rising interest rates combined with a surge in the national budget deficit has suppressed job growth and increased unemployment for both host and non-host country nationals. According to the Jordan Department of Statistics (DoS), the unemployment rate reached 22.6% during the second quarter of 2022. To understand and map socioeconomic needs, potential resources and stakeholders in three selected locations in Jordan (Rihab, Quweirah and Wadi Musa), ARCS commissioned a consultancy on Labour Market Analysis (LMA) to establish a baseline for livelihood opportunities for self-employment and businesses in the private sector. These target locations were identified based on their unique local cultural heritage and their development potential in the tourism sector. This Labour Market Analysis focused on refugees, women, youth and persons with disability (PwD).
45 Pages
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The SRD study team used randomized sampling to conduct in-person surveys and interviews.
Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and disaggregated according to gender, age, and area, as applicable. The LMA collected evidence from a total of 764 individuals including 421 job seekers, 201 business owners, 32 Key Informant Interviews (Klis) and 110 participants from 8 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs).
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