Final Evaluation – “Inclusive Relief and Empowerment for Syrian Refugees with Impairments and Disabilities in Jordan” (PRM Funded Project)
Within the framework of “Inclusive Relief and Empowerment for Syrian Refugees with Impairments and Disabilities Project” in Jordan, the United States Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) funded a two-year project implemented by International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) in partnership with Noor Hussein Foundation Institute for Family Health – IFH). The project was implemented between 2019 and 2021 in four locations in Jordan: Sweileh, Russeifa, Zarqa, and Irbid, aimed to improve the quality of life of refugees and vulnerable Jordanians with impairments/disabilities and their families. IOCC contracted with Sustainable Research and Development Center (SRD) to conduct this final evaluation. This report presents the findings from an independent evaluation conducted between September and October 2021. The evaluation aimed to analyze the final results of the project in the targeted areas, as well as to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability of the project after the implementation through the usage of quantitative and qualitative data.
The evaluation methodology included qualitative-quantitative data collection activities including desk review of project related documents, in-depth interviews and focus-group discussions with beneficiaries, and key informant interviews. Data were collected by the evaluation team and a team of enumerators who used tablets and Kobo Toolbox for data entry, and analysis. The procedures that were used included A desk study, individual interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs). The evaluation team conducted a comprehensive desk research to highlight main project milestones and achievements, covering whole life of the project, while primary data collected through the 78 individual interviews and 8 FGDs conducted for men and women beneficiaries. An interview guide developed with several questions and additional probing questions to ensure all matters of interest to this study were covered. All qualitative feedback summarized thematically. All sessions conducted in IFH centers, lasting for approximately one hour and half. All participants mobilized by IFH staff and provided with a schedule and participant characteristics for each of the FGD. The characteristics of the participants have been disaggregated according to nationality, disability, gender and services received. The evaluation team conducted 17 KIIs with stakeholders, including PRM Project Team of IOCC, IFH team, and Representatives from MoH and MoE using a semi-structured interview approach to gather information to address the research questions, as well as to inform on current and future trends and development schemes.
The evaluation findings showed that the PRM project met and exceeded the targets initially set, for all its indicators, of the project through IOCC/IFH four centers. Across the four geographical areas, Irbid, Russeifa, Sweileh and Zarqa, the key findings of the evaluation can be summarized as follows:
relations with their families.
Based upon the findings from the key informant interviews, focus group discussions and desk review, the following conclusions have been identified:
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