Within the framework of the Jordan Response Plan to the Syria Crisis 2018-2020 and FCA’s Jordan Country Strategy, FCA works on multiple levels to respond to the specific needs of Syrian refugees and communities. FCA’s projects in the Zaatari and Azraq camps contribute to improving the resilience and well-being of Syrian refugees. Therefore, this study has been conducted to investigate market opportunities, to identify concrete ways for refugees to start new micro-businesses or integrate into the labour market, and for FCA to support their development taking into account specific situations, challenges, and opportunities faced by female and male refugees.
A mixed methodology and participatory approach was adopted to collect data, including qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis. The study was conducted from October to February 2019, were used. Secondary data were compiled and processed while primary data were collected through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs).
The study’s key findings show that since the Syrian refugees have arrived in Jordan, they have received a variety of skills and qualifications that they didn’t hold before coming to Jordan. However, the majority of interviewed households in the Zaatari and Azraq camps are economically inactive, and the refugees do not have a plan to return to their homeland. The results demonstrate that most Syrian refugees have skills and experience which can benefit both the camp and surrounding communities. Increased awareness of this could help to change public perceptions and foster community cohesion.
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