“Sport gave me the opportunity to make friends”
Right To Play (RTP) Jordan implemented the ACCESS Project with the intention to enhance social cohesion for vulnerable children and youth in Jordan. In addition, the ACCESS Project sought to improve protection outcomes through supporting Ministry of Education (MoE) schools to create safer and more secure learning environments for students. RTP aimed to achieve this through facilitating social networking opportunities and gradually transforming traditional social norms, which ultimately have negative implications for girls, to positively engage with peers from different backgrounds within their schools and wider communities.
The objectives of the end-of-project evaluation were to determine the extent to which the ACCESS Project made progress towards the intended outcomes and objectives. A mixed-methods research was employed to inform the evaluation process drawing both qualitative and quantitative data from sources, such as: questionnaires, focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), and observation checklists with students, teachers, school principals, and community-based organization (CBO) management.
This end-of-project evaluative report has been prepared following data collection activities in a selected sample of schools and CBOs in across four locations in Jordan - Amman, Mafarq, Zarqa and Irbid - involving 330 students, 22 school principals and CBOs heads, 49 teachers and coaches, and 12 students FGDs spanning from 25 May 2022 until the 6th of June 2022. In addition, 12 systematic observations were undertaken in schools to provide a lived experience of the ACCESS Project activities in action. The data collection process took place over 10 days with no major delays experienced.
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Queen Rania Street
36, Amman 11941, Jordan
M: +962 782768400
Email: srd@srd.edu.jo